
“World News B 2007 October 19th”

1、 Freedman 自由
2、 beauty 美しい
3、 tower タワー
4、 creative 想像力のある
5、 group 集団
6、 integrated 統合した
7、 individual 個々の
8、 compromise 妥協
9、independent 頼らない
10、unique 唯一の

9、Yes. Because I can look at everyone's blog.

1, Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan give free ticket of admission every two weeks
2, Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan give free candy
3, Cheap ticket of admission

1, Matsuzaka pitches well as Red Sox lead Indians 3-2 in Game 7
2, this
3, Who is it about? Matsuzaka Daisuke.
What is is about? Baseballl game.
Where is it about? Boston.
When is it about? October 22.
1, Matsuzaka teams win.
2, Yes, it is. I know this team won the league.
3, When Matsuzaka pitch on a team, I hit a home run to end the game. I shake hands with him after the final game.

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