
World News B 2007 November 16th

2) Watch this video and write about it on your blog
1, How much television do you watch every week? About 21 hours.

3) Go to the Woodlands Junior School homepage to find the answer.
What is November 11th called in Britain? Remembrance Day.
1, Who lays a wreath? The Queen
2, Where? In Whitehall, London
3, Why? Because it is a special day set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts.
4, How many years is it since the end of World War One? It is 89 years.
5, What is the red flower? (Answer here). It is poppy.
6, (Bonus question) Why is this red flower used on November 11th? (Answer here). When people buried a fallen soldier, this place was a riot of red a poppy seed flower.

4) What happened on November 6th in London? (See pictures here and here).
Royal Ceremonies.

5) What happened on November 10th in London?
Lord Mayor's Show.

6) What is the Mayor’s name? (See pictures here for the answer).
David Lewis.


World News B 2007 November 2nd

1) Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7017636.stm
1,Who? Kenji Nagai. Where? Rangoon, Myanmar. When? In late September 2007. How? Mr Nagai was shot as he filmed a protest.
2, Because he was popular with a journalist. He never let a camera out of his hand. He was a courageous person.

2) Now read this news item and answer the questions: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7070551.stm
1, How many people marched in central Burma?
2, What kind of people marched?
3, When and where did they march?
4, What happened in that same city on September 6th, 2007?
5, How do we know this march took place? The article gives two sources of information. What are they?
6, Does this news item on the BBC website make the marchers more safe or less safe?
7, What does “bloody crackdown” mean?
8, What does “nationwide pro-democracy protests” mean?
9, What does “forcibly recruiting children” mean?
10, Who told the BBC that the Burma military are forcibly recruiting children? Do you believe it? 11, The BBC also asked the Burma government about this. What did the Burma government say? Do you believe them?
12, Why did the BBC ask Human Rights Watch AND the Burma government? Was this a good idea?
1, More than 100.
2, Monks
3, October 31st, 2007. In Pakokku, central Myanmar.
4, Reports that soldiers had beaten up monks there on. (teacher's answer : On Sep 6th, soldiers beat monks who were protesting.)
5, The Democratic Voice of Burma, a Norway-based radio station run by dissiden journalists. Aung Nyo Min, the Thai-based director of the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma.
6, Yes. More safe.
7, A bullet is covered in blood. (a violent suppression)
8, A democrat. (marches, many people shouting for democracy across the country )
9, Force labor on their. (using physical force to make young children join the military. )
10, Human Rights Watch. Yes.
11, The government insists it is opposed to the use of child soldiers(Of course they will deny it.) N0.
12, Because the BSS want to write an accurate account of an event. (If the BBC asks only ONE side) Yes.

3) What happened on Friday September 28th? (Use your own words, don’t copy and paste the text). Go here to find the answer. Why did the Burma government do this, do you think?
In Myannmar cut the Internet connection. The people don’t know in the world outside the country. But they can know it at pictures, video and cell phones.

4) Go to the Woodlands Junior School’s homepage to find the answers to these questions:
1, What is November 5th called in Britain?
2, What do people do on this day?
3, Why? (What is the historical reason?)
4, Go to Flickr, type the answer to 5.1 in the search box, and find an interesting photo to put on your blog.
1, Bonfire Night.
2, People watch fireworks, the bonfires are uses to cook potatoes wrapped in fail and the traditional cake eaten on bonfire night is Parkin cake.
3, Because Guy Fawkes wants to kill the King James 1st.(It is to celebrate the fact that Guy Fawkes failed to kill the king James 1st. He also failed to blow up the houses of parliament.)
4, this and this