
World News B 2007 November 16th

2) Watch this video and write about it on your blog
1, How much television do you watch every week? About 21 hours.

3) Go to the Woodlands Junior School homepage to find the answer.
What is November 11th called in Britain? Remembrance Day.
1, Who lays a wreath? The Queen
2, Where? In Whitehall, London
3, Why? Because it is a special day set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts.
4, How many years is it since the end of World War One? It is 89 years.
5, What is the red flower? (Answer here). It is poppy.
6, (Bonus question) Why is this red flower used on November 11th? (Answer here). When people buried a fallen soldier, this place was a riot of red a poppy seed flower.

4) What happened on November 6th in London? (See pictures here and here).
Royal Ceremonies.

5) What happened on November 10th in London?
Lord Mayor's Show.

6) What is the Mayor’s name? (See pictures here for the answer).
David Lewis.

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