
World News B February 8th 2008

1What did you learn in this class this semester?
I learn about Old English and Christmas.


“World News B February 1st 2008”

Watch the Powerpoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points (in Japanese or English) on your blog.
What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
→I think we can everywhere look at a newspaper.
What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
→We usually watched a television so I think it purpose is early new news for us and we can watch an image.
What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google? 
→We can look at something things.
The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money? → I think they want to sell a lot of a newspaper. By getting as many readers or viewers (”eyeballs”) as possible. If their purpose is to get as many readers or viewers or “eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish. Give 2 or 3 examples. → I think they will take our surprised news and unbelievable news. For example, raise crude oil and we can’t use a car. What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples. → I think they will take small news. For example, Shoin’s students made a big cake and Shoin university failed.
Find a news article in English that interests you, and write about it on your blog. Write a summary of the article, then your thoughts about it, and any interesting English words or expressions or grammar you learned from reading this.
this news.
This article is a chocolate. All chocolate room made at the New York. Of course all furniture made all chocolate.
Interesting grammar is “they were dripping off the chandeliers above the dining table, which was a sea of stars, truffles and crescents - all chocolate, of course, under glass.”
Read your classmates’ blogs and comment on them on your own blog.
→I read this. I didn’t know this news so I think it was very surprised and wonderful.


World News B January 25th 2008

1) Look at this photo and answer the questions.
1 Where was this photo taken?
→The photo was taken in Baghdad of Iraq.
2 When was it taken?
→It was wednesday, April 9, 2003.
3 What does the caption say under the photo?
→The caption say cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
4 Translate the caption into Japanese.
5 “Crowds cheer” = how many people, do you think?
→I think about 150 thousand.

2) Now look at this photo taken at the same place and same time, and answer the questions.
1 How many people were in the square, do you think?
→I think about 10 thousand.
2 Do you think “crowds cheer” is accurate?
→I think about good.
3 What do you think of the first picture now?
→I think about there were a lot of people.
4 Why did CNN use the first picture, do you think?
→CNN want to look at this picture for us. Because a lot of people at it.
5 What do you think after seeing these two photos?
→I think about it is very important program.

3) Is it important for newspapers to tell the truth, or is it ok for newspaper to lie sometimes? →Give reasons for your answer. I think I want to know the truth so tell a lie is bad.

4) How can you check if some item of news is true or not? (Give at least two different ways).
→I can use newspaper and internet.

6)What do you think now, after reading your classmates’ blogs? Write your thoughts on your blog.
→I think the same answer is all different writing.


World News B January 18th 2008

1 How many Muslims live in Britain? (Go here for the answer).
→Muslims live 1591000 people in Britain.
2 How many Hindus live in Britain? (Go here for the answer).
→Hindus live 500000 people in Britain.
Check my answers! Find the answers on some other website (tell us the website and link).
this and this.

Today, we will be using Student Times and Catch A Wave magazines for reading about news in English.
→I wrote about ‘Asada Mao Second Straight Title at National Championships’.It happened from December 26 to 28 at Namihaya Dome in Osaka. This news was writing about Asada, Ando and Nakano participant. Asada, Ando and Nakano skate short program and free skate. The short program was Asada top but the free skate was Ando top. Ando finished second and Nakano finished third. They will go to Sweden for the World Figure Skating Championships.
I watched it at my home. Then I was exciting. I like Ando so I want to win in Sweden to her.


World news B January 11th 2008

1)Tell us about your New Year. Add a picture.
→ It was January 1th 2008. I ate Osechi and Zoni in the morning. It was good. I went to Aritousshi shrine and Mizuma shrine with my family by car. I ate Ikayaki and Baby sponge cake. It was very delicious. We went to Wakayama. We looked at sea. I ate Cheesecake.

2) Now go to the Project Britain website and answer these questions about New Year in Britain:
1 Hogmanay is the name for New Year in which country?
→ Scotland.
2 In which city is the New Year’s Day parade held? Can you find a photo of this year’s parade?→ London. picture.
3 Whose birthday is on January 3rd, and what famous book did he write?
→ Birth of JRR Tolkien. He wrote "Lord of the Rings".
4 Whose birthday is on January 5th? Why is this person’s birthday in a British calendar?
→ Guru Gobind Singh (Sikh). Because this day marks the birth of the tenth and final Sikh prophet-teacher in 1666 C.E. Guru Gobind Singh introduced many of the customs that Sikhs practice today including the 5 K's.
5 Whose birthday is today (January 8th)?
→ What is he famous for? Birth of Elvis Presley. He is famous for singer.
6 What is Al Hijra and why is it on a British calendar?
→ Muslim. Because the Islamic New Year begins on the day Prophet Muhammad left Mecca to travel to Medina in 622 CE. It is the first day of the month of Muharram.
7 Who reached the South Pole in 1912 on January 17th?
→ Robert Falcon Scott.
8 Whose birthday is on January 18th? What famous book did he write?
→ AA Milne. He wrote "Winnie the Pooh".
9 Who died on January 24th, 1965? What is he famous for (write ONE thing).
→ Sir Winston Churchill. British Politician.
10 What do you think about this calendar?
→ I think this calendar is good because I can know famous name.

3) Find an interesting news article and blog it. (Here are some news articles I found recently.)
this. I was interesting and surprised because 5peoples stay to one umbrella.


World News B December 21th 2007

Go to the Woodlands Junior School website and find out about Christmas in the UK.
What is a nativity play?
The Nativity Play recreates the scene of Jesus’ birth in the stable and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the Shepherds and Wise Men.
What is a Christmas carol?
Caroling is one of the oldest customs in Great Britain, going back to the Middle Ages when beggars, seeking food, money, or drink, would wander the streets singing holiday songs. copyright of projectbritain.com. In the Middle Ages, carols were dances accompanied by singing.
What is a pantomime?
A pantomime is a traditional British Christmas play. They are an important part of our Christmas festivities.
What are mince pies? Find a photo of one.
Mince pies are an essential part of Christmas. They are small pies, usually between 2 and 3 inches in diameter, filled with mincemeat.The filling is a mixture of raisins, sultanas, apricots, glace cherries, candied citrus peel, apples, various types of nuts and mixed spices typically nutmeg and cinnamon. Father Christmas's favorite food is mince pies.

5 Find a photo of a Christmas pudding.

6 Find a photo of a Christmas cake.

7 What are Brussels sprouts? Find a photo of some.
It is a cabbage of sorts.
Visit your classmates’ blogs and see their Christmas card. Which is the best? Vote on your blog.
this → I thought this blog's cake is very delicious.

Photo links → Answer 5, 6and tree.


World News B December 14th 2007

1) Visit your classmates’ blogs and read what they wrote for last week’s assignment (December 7th). Leave some comments.
this This blog have different Old English picture that I couldn’t find it.

3) What is Amnesty International? What does it do?
→Amnesty International is international human rights group. It based on a volunteer and an independent policy the offering. They are apposed to torture and cruel treatment. They stop for kill to the general people.

4) Here is a recent report from Amnesty International: Torture/health concern/possible prisoner of conscience UZBEKISTAN Ikhtior Khamroev (m), aged 22. Student Ikhtior Khamroev, who has been in jail since September 2006, was reportedly severely beaten on 29 November. Sources inside the prison have told his father that Ikhtior had also received stab wounds to the abdomen, but was locked in a punishment cell rather than taken to hospital. He is believed to have been detained because of the activities of his father, a prominent human rights defender, and may have been beaten to punish his father for his recent anti-government statements.

1. Find one or two news articles about Ikhtior Khamroev (in English or Japanese) and link to them. How many can you find?
→ About 7. this and this
2. Where is Uzbekistan? Find a map and link to it.
3. Is the sad story of Ikhtior Khamroev “news” or not?
1. If you think it is news, why is not on TV and in the newspapers?
→It is a prison problem so they didn’t open this news and they stopped it.
2. If you think it is not news, why not?
→A prison work is very busy. So they want to back early there.
4. How many Japanese versions of this British news story can you find? What are the key points of this story (in Japanese)?
→One. We can’t know about really prison life and prison is very terrible place. 被害を受けた。
5. Read Masa’s blog and leave a message. (Do you know the blog of another Japanese person in the US? Tell us about it on your blog).  
→I don't know it.