
World News B January 25th 2008

1) Look at this photo and answer the questions.
1 Where was this photo taken?
→The photo was taken in Baghdad of Iraq.
2 When was it taken?
→It was wednesday, April 9, 2003.
3 What does the caption say under the photo?
→The caption say cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
4 Translate the caption into Japanese.
5 “Crowds cheer” = how many people, do you think?
→I think about 150 thousand.

2) Now look at this photo taken at the same place and same time, and answer the questions.
1 How many people were in the square, do you think?
→I think about 10 thousand.
2 Do you think “crowds cheer” is accurate?
→I think about good.
3 What do you think of the first picture now?
→I think about there were a lot of people.
4 Why did CNN use the first picture, do you think?
→CNN want to look at this picture for us. Because a lot of people at it.
5 What do you think after seeing these two photos?
→I think about it is very important program.

3) Is it important for newspapers to tell the truth, or is it ok for newspaper to lie sometimes? →Give reasons for your answer. I think I want to know the truth so tell a lie is bad.

4) How can you check if some item of news is true or not? (Give at least two different ways).
→I can use newspaper and internet.

6)What do you think now, after reading your classmates’ blogs? Write your thoughts on your blog.
→I think the same answer is all different writing.

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