
World News B December 21th 2007

Go to the Woodlands Junior School website and find out about Christmas in the UK.
What is a nativity play?
The Nativity Play recreates the scene of Jesus’ birth in the stable and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the Shepherds and Wise Men.
What is a Christmas carol?
Caroling is one of the oldest customs in Great Britain, going back to the Middle Ages when beggars, seeking food, money, or drink, would wander the streets singing holiday songs. copyright of projectbritain.com. In the Middle Ages, carols were dances accompanied by singing.
What is a pantomime?
A pantomime is a traditional British Christmas play. They are an important part of our Christmas festivities.
What are mince pies? Find a photo of one.
Mince pies are an essential part of Christmas. They are small pies, usually between 2 and 3 inches in diameter, filled with mincemeat.The filling is a mixture of raisins, sultanas, apricots, glace cherries, candied citrus peel, apples, various types of nuts and mixed spices typically nutmeg and cinnamon. Father Christmas's favorite food is mince pies.

5 Find a photo of a Christmas pudding.

6 Find a photo of a Christmas cake.

7 What are Brussels sprouts? Find a photo of some.
It is a cabbage of sorts.
Visit your classmates’ blogs and see their Christmas card. Which is the best? Vote on your blog.
this → I thought this blog's cake is very delicious.

Photo links → Answer 5, 6and tree.


World News B December 14th 2007

1) Visit your classmates’ blogs and read what they wrote for last week’s assignment (December 7th). Leave some comments.
this This blog have different Old English picture that I couldn’t find it.

3) What is Amnesty International? What does it do?
→Amnesty International is international human rights group. It based on a volunteer and an independent policy the offering. They are apposed to torture and cruel treatment. They stop for kill to the general people.

4) Here is a recent report from Amnesty International: Torture/health concern/possible prisoner of conscience UZBEKISTAN Ikhtior Khamroev (m), aged 22. Student Ikhtior Khamroev, who has been in jail since September 2006, was reportedly severely beaten on 29 November. Sources inside the prison have told his father that Ikhtior had also received stab wounds to the abdomen, but was locked in a punishment cell rather than taken to hospital. He is believed to have been detained because of the activities of his father, a prominent human rights defender, and may have been beaten to punish his father for his recent anti-government statements.

1. Find one or two news articles about Ikhtior Khamroev (in English or Japanese) and link to them. How many can you find?
→ About 7. this and this
2. Where is Uzbekistan? Find a map and link to it.
3. Is the sad story of Ikhtior Khamroev “news” or not?
1. If you think it is news, why is not on TV and in the newspapers?
→It is a prison problem so they didn’t open this news and they stopped it.
2. If you think it is not news, why not?
→A prison work is very busy. So they want to back early there.
4. How many Japanese versions of this British news story can you find? What are the key points of this story (in Japanese)?
→One. We can’t know about really prison life and prison is very terrible place. 被害を受けた。
5. Read Masa’s blog and leave a message. (Do you know the blog of another Japanese person in the US? Tell us about it on your blog).  
→I don't know it.


“World News B 2007 December 7th.”

I wrote about these two movies.
1. Beowulf 2. The Golden Compass
3) Answer all these questions.
1. What or who is Beowulf?
 → A fighter.
2. What is this movie based on?
→ Old English Poem
3. When and where was Old English spoken? (from when until when?)
→ England. About it was between 450year and 1150year.
4. What does Old English look like? Find a photo on the Internet.
this and this
5. What does Old English sound like? Find a sound file on the Internet
6. What is the story of Beowulf? (Who are the main characters? Where and when does it take place? What are the key events?)
→ Beowulf drive back Grendel at Denmark in the 8 century and the 9 century.
7. What happens to Beowulf at the end of the poem (not the movie)?
→ Beowulf died.
8. Who is the director? What other movie has (s)he directed? Have you seen any of them? If so, which one? Did you like it?
 → Director is Robert Zemeckis. He directed "Back to the Future" and "Death Becomes Her". Yes, I watched "Back to the Future". It was so-so.
9. Who are the main actors in this movie? ( Choose one of the actors or actresses. What other movies has this person been in? Did you see any of those movies? If so, which one? Did you like it?)
 → Brendan Gleeson. "Troy" and " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". I didn't watch it.
10. What is “The Golden Compass” based on?
→ Oaradise Lost
11. Who wrote the original story? When?
→ Philip Nicholas Outram Pullman. From 1995 year to 2000 year.
12. What is the story? (Who are the main characters? Where and when does it take place? What are the key events?)
→ Lyra Belacqua and daemon are acting together. Demon is an animal. Sphinxes kidnap children so Lyra search for their in Britain.
13. Where is Oxford (UK)? Find a map.
14. How many colleges are there?
→ About 39.
15. Who is the director? What other movie has (s)he directed? Have you seen any of them? If so, which one? Did you like it?
→ The director is Chris Weitz. He directed "Mr.&Mrs. SMITH". Yes. It movie was very good.
16. Who are the main actors in this movie? ( Choose one of the actors or actresses. What other movies has this person been in? Did you see any of those movies? If so, which one? Did you like it?)
→ Daniel Wroughton Craig. "Munich" and "Casino Royale". I watched "Munich". I dislike it because it was very grotesqe.
17. There is some controversy about this movie? What is it?
→ Yes. It controver is about same religion.


World News B 2007 November 16th

2) Watch this video and write about it on your blog
1, How much television do you watch every week? About 21 hours.

3) Go to the Woodlands Junior School homepage to find the answer.
What is November 11th called in Britain? Remembrance Day.
1, Who lays a wreath? The Queen
2, Where? In Whitehall, London
3, Why? Because it is a special day set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts.
4, How many years is it since the end of World War One? It is 89 years.
5, What is the red flower? (Answer here). It is poppy.
6, (Bonus question) Why is this red flower used on November 11th? (Answer here). When people buried a fallen soldier, this place was a riot of red a poppy seed flower.

4) What happened on November 6th in London? (See pictures here and here).
Royal Ceremonies.

5) What happened on November 10th in London?
Lord Mayor's Show.

6) What is the Mayor’s name? (See pictures here for the answer).
David Lewis.


World News B 2007 November 2nd

1) Go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7017636.stm
1,Who? Kenji Nagai. Where? Rangoon, Myanmar. When? In late September 2007. How? Mr Nagai was shot as he filmed a protest.
2, Because he was popular with a journalist. He never let a camera out of his hand. He was a courageous person.

2) Now read this news item and answer the questions: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7070551.stm
1, How many people marched in central Burma?
2, What kind of people marched?
3, When and where did they march?
4, What happened in that same city on September 6th, 2007?
5, How do we know this march took place? The article gives two sources of information. What are they?
6, Does this news item on the BBC website make the marchers more safe or less safe?
7, What does “bloody crackdown” mean?
8, What does “nationwide pro-democracy protests” mean?
9, What does “forcibly recruiting children” mean?
10, Who told the BBC that the Burma military are forcibly recruiting children? Do you believe it? 11, The BBC also asked the Burma government about this. What did the Burma government say? Do you believe them?
12, Why did the BBC ask Human Rights Watch AND the Burma government? Was this a good idea?
1, More than 100.
2, Monks
3, October 31st, 2007. In Pakokku, central Myanmar.
4, Reports that soldiers had beaten up monks there on. (teacher's answer : On Sep 6th, soldiers beat monks who were protesting.)
5, The Democratic Voice of Burma, a Norway-based radio station run by dissiden journalists. Aung Nyo Min, the Thai-based director of the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma.
6, Yes. More safe.
7, A bullet is covered in blood. (a violent suppression)
8, A democrat. (marches, many people shouting for democracy across the country )
9, Force labor on their. (using physical force to make young children join the military. )
10, Human Rights Watch. Yes.
11, The government insists it is opposed to the use of child soldiers(Of course they will deny it.) N0.
12, Because the BSS want to write an accurate account of an event. (If the BBC asks only ONE side) Yes.

3) What happened on Friday September 28th? (Use your own words, don’t copy and paste the text). Go here to find the answer. Why did the Burma government do this, do you think?
In Myannmar cut the Internet connection. The people don’t know in the world outside the country. But they can know it at pictures, video and cell phones.

4) Go to the Woodlands Junior School’s homepage to find the answers to these questions:
1, What is November 5th called in Britain?
2, What do people do on this day?
3, Why? (What is the historical reason?)
4, Go to Flickr, type the answer to 5.1 in the search box, and find an interesting photo to put on your blog.
1, Bonfire Night.
2, People watch fireworks, the bonfires are uses to cook potatoes wrapped in fail and the traditional cake eaten on bonfire night is Parkin cake.
3, Because Guy Fawkes wants to kill the King James 1st.(It is to celebrate the fact that Guy Fawkes failed to kill the king James 1st. He also failed to blow up the houses of parliament.)
4, this and this


World News B 2007 October 26th

2, this, this ,this
This news is about Kameda vs. Naito. They were boxing fight at Tokyo. Kameda called Naito "cockroach" because of his crouching, sidestepping style. I think the nickname bad because Kameda is younger so he should respectable.
5,this I think great she took two prizes.


“World News B 2007 October 19th”

1、 Freedman 自由
2、 beauty 美しい
3、 tower タワー
4、 creative 想像力のある
5、 group 集団
6、 integrated 統合した
7、 individual 個々の
8、 compromise 妥協
9、independent 頼らない
10、unique 唯一の

9、Yes. Because I can look at everyone's blog.

1, Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan give free ticket of admission every two weeks
2, Disneyland, Universal Studios Japan give free candy
3, Cheap ticket of admission

1, Matsuzaka pitches well as Red Sox lead Indians 3-2 in Game 7
2, this
3, Who is it about? Matsuzaka Daisuke.
What is is about? Baseballl game.
Where is it about? Boston.
When is it about? October 22.
1, Matsuzaka teams win.
2, Yes, it is. I know this team won the league.
3, When Matsuzaka pitch on a team, I hit a home run to end the game. I shake hands with him after the final game.



1 I like to meet my friends. I like to take about various things my friends.

2 I don't like to take the classes. I want to go to the school every two weeks.

3 I like environment. My home town’s air is good. There aren’t tall buildings near my home town.

4 I don't like to stop only a local train. It is an inconvenience. Especially I have to go the school in the morning.

5 I like peace. In Japanese has a gun.

6 I don't like to smoke tobacco at the road.I don’t like a tobacco. So I want to smoke tobacco at the road. It is dangerous for child.

1 this
2 No
3 The person goes to Iran from now.
4 Because there is dangerous.
5 Yes.
6 I know Iran is dangerous.
7 Yes.
8 I think that it isn’t good to restrict the person of the different country.

1 this
2 Yes.
3 A person doing research.
4 A robot’s research.
5 No.
6 I don’t use it.
7 Yes.
8 I think that I am necessary a robot for world in the future.

1 this
2 No.
3 The people in the world
4 Because the people must think about peace.
5 Yes.
6 Peaces.
7 Yes.
8 Because she is paying a peace.

1 this
2 No.
3 The person who is going to help with suicide.
4 なぜなら殺すのではなく自殺しようとしている人を助けた方が良いと思うから。
5 No.
6 About usage of the Internet.
7 Yes.
8 インターネットはなんでも書き込むことが出来るので軽はずみな言葉は書かない方が良いのではないかと思う。

9 I researched about foreign move ranking. Look at this.

10 ・this  私もこの記事について書きました。小野さんは心から世界の平和を願っているんだと思いました。
   ・this I think Iran is very dangerous.



1 I like to meet my friends.
2 I don't like to take the classes.
3 I like environment.
4 I don't like to stop only a local train.
5 I like peace and kindness.
6 I don't like to smoke tabacco at the road.
8 I learned and studied the meaning of a word today.
I visited (this) websites.
I like to study word. Because I know a word at it.
It websites do to study a word.
9 I went to this blog. I think six question is very good opinion.



1. 12個
2. キャメロン・ディアスのニュース(this)
3. ダイエットのニュース(this)
4. 海外で何が流行しているか



(1)I am going to Tokyo.
 At first I will go to my friend's home.
 Next I will go to the Tokyo Disney Land(this)(in English).
 This is a picture.



①C →D
②A →B
③B →A





One さん「の記事の中でthisを選びました。


1、1 2000語
  2 this
2、1 パソコン
  2 私は使ったことがありません。



My blog today is about movie . It is about Ratatouille.
I found here on the BBC website. The title is "Cartoon rat bites into US chart ".

Ratatouille(in Japanese) is famous movie.
It is order rises. It is about the Ratatouille's order of the movie. (in here) Now it is No,1 movie.

I thought that this movie was popular very much.
I want to watch this movie.

Part 2




A) 1 My objective is to know world news in this class.
2 I want to be able to search world news early.

B) 9 fleshcardsではToeicとGeneralEnglishをやりました。両方とも難しかったです。test、freshcardもその単語を見たことがあっても、意味が全く解りませんでした。勉強になるサイトだなぁと思いました。

C) 1 出来事だけを書いている。自分の感想が書かれていない。
  2 リンクが貼り付けられているが、そのリンクの内容が書かれていない。写真がない。
  3 記事の内容だけが詳しく書きすぎると思う。要約できていない。

   1 私は、this oneの方を選びました。写真が入って解りやすいと思いこちらを選びました。
2 私は、this blogの方を選びました。納豆にマヨネーズっという新たな発見があってこちらの方が興味がわくなぁと思いこちらを選びました。
3 私は、this blogの方を選びました。画像があって動画があったのでこちらを選びました。
   4) 1 My blog author is Minoru .
     2 His name is Tadashi.
3 He lives in Kyoto.
4 No, I don't.
5 Because I don't know him. So I don't want to my address.
6 Yes, it is.
7 Yes, he can.
8 No, he can't.
9 Because I send my e-mail address.
5 Question 2. He is same nanumber one.
Question 3.
1 The blog author is Puka.
2 I don't know because his name is not written in his proffile.
3 He lives in Dominican Republic.
4 No, I don't.
5 Because I don't know her. So I don't want to my address.
6 No, it isn't.
7 No, he can't.
8 No, I can't.
9 登録が必要だから。

6) 1 そこに住んでいる人(一般の方)が撮った。
2 写真を入れたり募集することはいいと思う。興味もわくし文章だけのブログより見ようと思う。何かいいものが発見できるかもしれない。


Cameron Diaz' news

My blog today is a bout Cameron Diaz. It is about Maoist bag.

I found http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070625/ap_en_mo/people_cameron_diaz on the BBC website. The title is "Cameron Diaz apologizes for Maoist bag."

Cameron Diaz (in English http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz)
visited the Incan city of Machu Picchu (in English http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machu_Picchu) in Peru's Andes on Friday.

She carried the red star's bag. It mean is a political slogan that evoked painful memories in Peru. She didn't know it. So she apologize to the country.

I heard this story from mother. Then I was very surprised. I thought that I have to know the country when I have never been to went to the country.






  explorer、ancient、savored、overachievers、whopping、sail、flavorful、 blood 、triglyceride、teaspoon、powder、irresistible、 poultry、potency、marinades、antiseptic、mouthwash、vinaigrette、antioxidants、turmeric



road、direction、congratulate、forward、adjust、 refined、 carbohydrates、exercising、 brisk、 results、portions、amount 、daily、 intake 、direction、proud of、 congratulate、 joys、 all around 、no more





   Bread and circusesの意味は、不満を起こさせないために国民を馬鹿にした言い方。

  This news is Iraqi and American's matter. There happened arguing for wamen's problem.

4、notified, identical, alerted, immediately, clues, abducted, description, pyjamas, snatched and vidence

  裁判官が実刑判決を元副大統領首席補佐官のルイス・リビー被告に言い渡したら嫌がらや手紙が沢山来た。私は、このニュースはbread and circusesではないと思います。裁判官に対しての脅迫だと思いました。
  federal, oversaw, threatening, sentencing, harassing , handcuffs,
maneuvering,appellate,emergency and delaying

6、Charlie Charlie さんのブログを見ました。私もBread and circusesの考え方の人は止めた方がいいと思いました。









It was a progrem in British at three weeks ago.
There is a happy Family.
Mother is Madeleine McCann, father is Gerry McCann.
They had two daughters.
Their names are Kate and Amelie.
Amelie was two-year-old, Kate was four-year-old.
There had a maid.
She name is Algarve.
One day, parents went to the restaurant which was 50meters away from a house.
They return to a house before 10pm.
Father look at a bed.
Kate disappeared.
Father thought my daughter was abduction.
Father can't be sleeping at night.
The news was publicised around the world.
Girl's photograph was opning to the public as a missing person.
The photograph taken before she abduction less than eight hours.
The photograph' girl was smiling.
She were wearing a pink smock, a whit top, a orange shorts and hat.
Then it is three weeks.
We dose't understand whereabouts today.






宿題 ニュース





